Friday, September 19, 2014

Milestone 1

This week we completed a few things:
  • Implemented a basic 2D court with placeholder assets
  • Implemented basic movement and controls*
  • (Mostly) completed the Game Design Document
  • Character design for 1 character
  • A mock-up for the first court design
  • Started research and implementation of 2D Ball Physics
    • Currently, the ball properly stops on contact with the ground, and moves in the appropriate direction when contact is made by a player. Hits haven't been implemented yet, so any contact will send the ball in the opposite direction.
*The keyboard controls have been implemented for 2 players, however implementing 2 player controller input had some issues. We'll be meeting on Sunday at the game dev club working session to hammer out these problems and start work on milestone 1.5.

Character Design 1: Swolesaurus Racks

Screenshot of the basic 2D court with placeholder assets:

A mock-up for a Roman gladiator colosseum style court:


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