Yesterday we met up at the Game Dev Club's working session to decide on a few things and try fixing the controller input issues.
First, we made a few design decisions as a group - for example how the ball is supposed to behave when interacting with the player (we decided the ball will simply fall past the player and never hit them, making rackets the only important object players care about). We also added a minor game mechanic that enables players to chose what angle they throw their racket at from 3 preset angles (straight ahead, 45 degrees up, and 45 degrees down).
As for the input issues, after about an hour and a half of fiddling with the controller, tools, and the scripts we got both keyboard and controller working for two players, however only the D-pad seems to work properly for movement (joysticks were buggy as hell) and jumping with X affects both players simultaneously. Further testing is needed (especially with two controllers) and we plan on talking to Eric P, as he's implemented dual controller input before.
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